Exploring mHealth Adoption by Community Health Workers: A Global Scoping Review


  • Aliyu Olugbenga Research Fellow, Federal University of Lafia, Nigeria.
  • Kamran Ishfaq Social Welfare Department, The Children’s Hospital & Institute of Child Health Multan, Pakistan
  • Johar Ali Research Scholar, University of Malakand, Pakistan




Health, ehealth, asian health, global health, digital health


In this scoping review, the author also studies the pivotal role of community health workers (CHWs) as vital intermediaries in bolstering community health outcomes, particularly in regions with limited resources. Moreover, the integration of mobile health (mHealth) technology offers promising avenues to enhance population health, yet a comprehensive understanding of its global utilization among CHWs is lacking. The author aims to elucidate the landscape of mHealth tool adoption by CHWs worldwide, exploring geographical distribution, addressing health issues, and CHWs' attitudes towards mHealth. Synthesizing diverse findings, the analysis reveals the potential of mHealth to fortify primary care and preventive initiatives. Importantly, the study emphasizes engaging CHWs in the co-creation and testing of tailored solutions, highlighting the transformative impact of seamlessly integrating mHealth with lay health promotion efforts to pave the way for enhanced healthcare delivery and improved global health outcomes.




How to Cite

Aliyu Olugbenga, Kamran Ishfaq, & Johar Ali. (2023). Exploring mHealth Adoption by Community Health Workers: A Global Scoping Review. Journal of Social Informatics and Global Health, 2(1), 12–21. https://doi.org/10.62585/sigh.v1i2.70