Journeys of Resilience: Migrant Protection in the Realm of Humanitarian Law


  • Claiton Fyock Law School, University of Leicester, United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.
  • Amit Kumar Rajiv Ghandi School of Intellectual Property Law, Kharagpur, India.



migrants, refugee, legal norms, ihl, international law


This article delves into the plight of migrants entangled in armed conflict zones and their protection under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Unlike discussions focused on migrants in destination countries, this study sheds light on the challenges faced by migrants navigating conflict-affected regions and the legal frameworks that safeguard their rights. While primarily centered on IHL, the article briefly touches upon the interaction of other international legal frameworks, such as International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and international refugee law, in protecting migrants. Through a comprehensive examination of IHL principles and their applicability to migrants in armed conflict scenarios, this research underscores the imperative of elucidating the intricate dynamics between IHL, IHRL, and the responsibilities of third States to ensure the comprehensive safeguarding of migrants amidst the chaos of armed conflict.



