Cyber Crimes Trends in Pakistan: Analyzing the Legal Framework and Enforcement Challenges


  • Hobashia Saleem LL.M. Scholar, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  • Junaid Jan Lecturer, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  • Azzalfa Areej LL.B. Student, Department of Law, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan



cyber crimes, cyber laws pakistan, digital world, cyber space


 This study looks at the growing problem of cybercrime in Pakistan, concentrating on the legislative framework and the issues that law enforcement authorities face. It examines the rise of cybercrime in the country, the evolution of cyber legislation, and the passage of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) in 2016. The report emphasizes the importance of a strong legal framework in combating cybercrime efficiently. Despite PECA, internet crimes remain a big threat. The study highlighted enforcement challenges such as technology constraints, data breaches, terrorist risks, and a lack of public awareness. It underlines the significance of specialized courts, public awareness campaigns, and improved technical capabilities for law enforcement. The conclusion underlines the importance of Pakistan strengthening its law enforcement and amending existing legislation to effectively combat cybercrime. Implementing the study's recommendations can help to preserve citizens' rights and privacy while also reducing cybercriminal risks. Pakistan must take decisive steps to combat cybercrime, and the study's recommendations provide a good framework for this effort.




How to Cite

Saleem, H., Jan, J., & Areej, A. (2022). Cyber Crimes Trends in Pakistan: Analyzing the Legal Framework and Enforcement Challenges. Society, Law and Policy Review, 1(1), 10–22.