The Discourse of Limitations and Strengths of the Paris Climate Agreement


  • Muhammad Ahmad Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan


paris agreement, climate change, paris accord


This article critically analyses the limitations and strengths of the Paris Climate Accords. With this purpose, the article first highlights the legal character of this agreement. The article then discourses the assessment of the fundamental components of the statute of the Paris accords with the purpose to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in the preamble, long-term goals, mitigation, adaptation, cooperative approaches, finance, loss and damage, capacity-building, global Stocktake, and Compliance by using the qualitative research techniques. Further, this article describes the agreement's basic theme and future assessments. In the end, this article culminates into a reasonable conclusion.

Author Biography

Muhammad Ahmad, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan






How to Cite

Ahmad, M. (2022). The Discourse of Limitations and Strengths of the Paris Climate Agreement. Pakistan Journal of Criminal Justice, 2(1), 7–16. Retrieved from